Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This Just In: Having a cold ain't so bad.

I stayed home from school today in hopes of saving the rest of my classmates from runny noses and watering eyes. Yes, you may be thinking, "That's awful, I'm so sorry you're sick", but NO! Today has been a day of inspiration! Thanks to my one follower and her brilliant comment, I was able to write a new song! Almost two! But I couldn't think of a chorus. I attempted to write a love song, like she suggested, but that failed immensely, seeing as my love life is also an immense fail, and not in an interesting way. BUT, that immense fail sparked some non-failures too! ... Finally.

Monday, October 26, 2009

ohhhhh boy.

i've been busy, busy, busy working on school things. consumes my world at the moment, unfortunately. i've decided not to apply to berklee college of music. i feel like i want a "normal" college experience before i plunge myself into a world of strictly music. what if it turns out to be something i don't want to do for the rest of my life? although it seems like right now, it's all i want to do, it would be nice to have options. i can always transfer, or even go after college... so, that's what i'm thinking.
i got a letter from one of the schools i'm applying to that told me i was basically in if i applied because they think i'd be great for the music department. it's a great school, and i'm honored. bright things ahead, i suppose. kind of a bit of light in all of this chaos.
my songwriting skills are lacking. i just have no inspiration! not when the only thing that comes to mind are the four bases to a DNA molecule... blech.
i guess for now, i just have to keep writing. practice makes perfect!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

writers block.

i've been trying to write new lyrics, but all of my college application and school stuff is getting in the way. i don't think "one day i stepped outside, and to a college i applied" is a great first line to a hit song... well, if anyone started their songs with 'one day i stepped outside', i would be a little worried... but that's the only thing coming to mind right now... great. SOMEONE GIVE ME INSPIRATION! please?
